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Privacy policy
HomePrivacy policy

Privacy policy

YTS JAPAN Co., Ltd. (hereinafter referred to as the “Company”) recognizes its social responsibility to properly protect all information that could be used to identify our individual customers (hereinafter referred to as “Personal Information”). The Personal Information supplied by customers is particularly valuable in developing products and services that meet customers’ demands as well as promptly providing customers with useful information. We have therefore introduced the following privacy protection policy and we require our officers and employees strictly to comply with it so that customers can safely use our services.


1. Personal Information

“Personal Information” means information that pertains to individual persons, including their name, address, telephone number, gender, age, date of birth, email address, and other descriptions which could be used to identify specific individuals. In addition, information that cannot be used independently to identify specific individuals but could be readily collated with other information to identify specific individuals is also deemed to be Personal Information.

2. Exclusions from Personal Information

  1. In case of customers using any third party-operated websites that have outbound links from or inbound links to this website (hereinafter referred to as “Third-Party Websites”), the Company shall have no responsibility whatsoever as to how the operators of such Third-Party Websites handle said customers’ Personal Information. Therefore, please review the terms of use, privacy policy, etc. of respective Third-Party Websites for how they handle Personal Information.
  2. The Company may collect information such as the customers’ IP addresses, information related to accesses, browser software used, operating system of the terminal the access is made from, etc. through the collection of log files, transmission of cookies, installation of web beacons, etc., in order to improve the functions of this website for customers. However, as such collected information cannot be used to identify individuals, it shall not be deemed as Personal Information.


3. Supply of Personal Information

  1. The Company asks customers to provide their Personal Information voluntarily. Even in cases where the Company asks customers to provide their Personal Information such as name, age, telephone number, address, occupation, etc., it is left to the discretion of customers whether to supply their Personal Information, and they are entitled to refuse such inquiries.
  2. While most of the services provided by the Company can be used by customers without supplying Personal Information, please note that some services can only be used by customers who agree to supply their Personal Information.

4. Intended Use of Personal Information

When we request customers to supply their Personal Information to us, we notify them of the intended use. Under no circumstances will the Company use a customer’s Personal Information for any purposes other than the notified purpose, without the consent of the customer.

5. Disclosure of Personal Information to Third Parties

The Company shall not disclose Personal Information that is supplied by a customer to any third party without the consent of the customer, in principle, except in any of the following cases:

  1. Cases in which disclosure of Personal Information is required to protect the life, physical body, or property of another person, and the consent of the individual to whom the Personal Information pertains is difficult to obtain;
  2. Cases in which the Company receives an inquiry from a public institution such as a court, Public Prosecutors Office, police, bar association, or consumer center with justifiable grounds;
  3. Cases in which a request for disclosure has been made in accordance with statutory procedures; or
  4. Cases in which the Company entrusts the work of handling Personal Information to a third party, or enters into a business alliance with a third party in regard to the work of handling Personal Information, within the scope of the intended use that has been notified to the customers in advance.


6. Proper Management of Personal Information

The Company properly and carefully manages all Personal Information that is supplied by customers and implements appropriate and reasonable protection measures, in terms of both technology and management, to avoid the risk of unauthorized access, loss, manipulation, leakage, etc. of the Personal Information.

7. Disclosure, Correction, and Deletion of Personal Information

Customers have the right to request the Company to disclose, correct, add, or delete their Personal Information as well to stop supplying their Personal Information to a third party. If the Company receives such a request, it shall verify that the person making the request is the person who has supplied the Personal Information to the Company and, after successful verification, process the request within a reasonable period of time.

8. Inquiries

In case of any inquiry related to this privacy policy, or a request for disclosure, correction, addition, deletion, etc. of Personal Information, or suspension of the supply of Personal Information to a third party, please contact us at the following address. Note that we may need to confirm your identity as the person eligible for making the request.

 598-10 Monoi, Yotsukaido-shi, Chiba Prefecture 284-0012


Attention: Personal Information Management Supervisor

9. Modification of the Privacy Policy

The Company reserves the right to modify this privacy policy at its sole discretion at any time without prior notice. In that case, the Company shall publish the modified version of the privacy policy on this webpage, which shall take immediate effect upon publication.

10. Compliance

The Company shall comply with the laws, ordinances, and standards of Japan relating to the protection of personal information.

Enactment date: February 7,2014